Facebook, Twitter and the other good stuff By Neph
Hello everybody i decided to write in english from now on, a) cause i can write in it, b) cause you can read it and c) cause this broadens the readers (an "if you're gonna do something do it right" kinda thing!). Anyways! Social networks (SNs).
I'm pretty sure about at least 90% of you have a social network account. Whether it being Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Tumblr, Instagram or whatever. I've noticed two kinds of people regarding social networking. The ones who love it -whether they have just one account or about 7537 of them- and the ones who hate it -these people just refuse to get in one no matter what. Oh there are also people who don't have an opinion but i don't care about these people :)
I personally have 3 SN accounts at the moment plus one blog. Facebook, twitter and DeviantArt. You would think that one sn could cover everything a person could say or present to the world, but no. As with everything nothing's enough these days. Not enough money, not enough food, not enough fame etc etc..
So, how did this whole thing start anyways? No idea. Sorry for not having done any research for this blog, but i'm not here to educate you. Plus you can find this in wiki if u like! I'll tell you about how i started in this. Hi5! Remember hi5??? i loved it. i was in my first year studying abroad, i had just bought my first computer and msn messenger was all i had for talking to my friends. And theeeen.. the light! someone sent me via email an invitation to be friends on Hi5. That was it. 'What an awesome idea' i thought, and made my first ever account. I made my profile, uploaded pics, got into groups, chatted up with my friends that were living just meters away, met new people aaaand eventually got bored. Then.. myspace. 'Oh new world' i thought and made another account, deleting the hi5 one. Kinda like moving to a better neighborhood, wanting to erase your traces! This one i kept for longer, the 'changing backgrounds' thing got me occupied for a while. Plus i met my bf from there.
Crap i just realized the blog's getting too long and I wouldn't even read it. So,to make a long story short, after wandering in the sn for something that suits me i ended up in facebook, twitter and DeviantArt. Facebook i really like cause i found my old classmates and people i never thought i'd find again. Deviantart is my newest one and i love it cause you get to see great art and meet very talented people. i mean words are nice, but art is better. for me at least.
And then there's twitter which to be honest i joined to see what all the fuss was about. I can't say i get it. i mean if you're not famous or have a lot of people following you.. you are just talking to yourself!!! plus there are some really utterly annoying people in there. you know them, they are online 24/7, twitting catchphrases and puns and re-twitting other crap ALL freaking DAY! and moreover..they have a huge audience. WTF ??? Oh these people all have a good new phone to be on the internet all day -which is neat cause they really are online all day- and the majority of them uses Instagram.
My oh My instagram.. Yes that's right. I'm really interested to see what you ate, when you ate it, how it looks with a cool filter (the same filter u use in every pic), your legs and the background sea, your drink with the cute umbrella on, and stuff like that. BUT i realize that's the latest trend so, as with every trend I'll just wait patiently for it to pass.
Conclusion: to be honest i began to write a whole different kind of blog -more like the phenomenon of SNs- but it got me here and I'm not going to erase my 1/2hour work just like that! So, conclusion. i think SNs are nice. you get to present yourself (your enhanced self, but that's another topic) to the world, you get to meet people you couldn't otherwise meet -people living in other countries but you share interests-, you get to reunite with old friends or classmates or people that left your life one way or another.. And you also get to stalk people; famous, ex's or crushes.. Of course don't forget the same goes for you too, so be careful what you share. There are a lot of perverts, dangerous, petty people out there. you don't want to give them access to your life.
Always with a moral at the end :p
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